Hello there o/
Here's what I'm currently
working on

Day four - The Back End
The back-end is a Node.js application built with Fastify and Drizzle ORM. It uses a PostgreSQL database to store and retrieve data.
Day three - The Front End
Now is time to build a simple and responsive front-end to our Todo App.
Day two - The Business Rules
Here we will create the business rules for our Todo App, they will be the foundation of our application.
Day One: Setting up Turbo and All Dependencies
Let's install Turbo, t3-app, Nest, ESLint, Prettier, TypeScript, and ensure everything is running smoothly and orchestrated by Turbo.
Utter Todo: From Nothing to an Automated CI/CD Deploying APP on AWS
This project uses TypeScript, React, Node, CI/CD, AWS, Docker, and Terraform to build a simple Todo App. Learn how to implement Nest.js and Next.js, test with Vitest and Playwright, and orchestrate AWS infrastructure using Terraform, all within a monorepo setup.
Integrating unit and end-to-end tests with turborepo
TurboRepo simplifies the orchestration of unit and end-to-end tests, ensuring domain-specific validation and adherence to SOLID principles. Maintain a robust test suite while keeping your codebase modular and adaptable.
Orchestrating Test Runs Across Application Layers with TurboRepo
TurboRepo simplifies test orchestration across application layers, ensuring domain-specific validation and adherence to SOLID principles. By using TurboRepo, you can maintain a robust test suite while keeping your codebase modular and adaptable