Logo rcmonteiro
Travel Booking Hub

Overview and setup monorepo with Turborepo

Why monorepo?

Since this is a project to create microservices with domain event communication, and I am the only developer working on the back-end and front-end, it doesn't make sense to work with multiple repositories. Using Turborepo will significantly improve my productivity in this project!

What's my goal with this project?

To learn more about properly implementing microservices in a real-case scenario.

Project overview

TravelBookingHub is designed to simplify travel planning by unifying various services into a seamless platform. Here’s a breakdown of the system components and their interactions:

  • API Gateway:
    • Acts as the central entry point for all client requests.
    • Handles user authentication and authorization using JWT.
    • Routes requests to the appropriate microservices.
  • User Service:
    • Manages user registration, authentication, and profile data.
    • Implements JWT for secure access control.
  • Flight Service:
    • Manages flight search, booking, and reservation confirmations.
    • Publishes flight reservation events to the event bus.
  • Message Broker:
    • Utilizes RabbitMQ for inter-service communication.
    • Ensures real-time updates and data consistency across services.

Domain events example

Here we can see the API Gateway sending requests to the User and Hotel Services. Both services send and consume events from RabbitMQ.


Tech Stack

  • TypeScript, always o/
  • Next.js for the user interface
  • Node.js proxy for the API Gateway solution
  • Node.js with Fastify and Zod for the back-end microservices
  • Postgres to persist data on each microservice
  • RabbitMQ for the event bus solution

Setting up turborepo

mkdir travel-booking-hub

cd travel-booking-hub

pnpm dlx create-turbo@latest ./

Project structure:

├── config/ 
│ ├── eslint-config/
│ ├── typescript-config/
│ ├── prettier/
│ └── ...
├── packages/ 
│ ├── api-gateway/
│ ├── core/
│ ├── message-broker/
│ ├── env/
│ └── ...
├── services/
│ ├── user-service/
│ ├── hotel-service/
│ └── ...
└── ...

Setting up shared packages

All packages will be shared between the back-end and front-end applications. I'll use a ready-to-use ESLint configuration from Rocketseat, along with a basic setup for Prettier and TypeScript. The env package will be used to share a single .env file, validated with Zod, across all other packages in this project. To achieve this, I'll use @t3-oss/env-nextjs to export the environment variables. Check the repository for more information in /.env-sample and /packages/env/index.ts.

Contribute to the Project

If you found this post helpful or have suggestions for improvement, feel free to check out the project repository on GitHub. You are welcome to fork the repository and submit a pull request. If you have any questions or want to discuss a topic, please open an issue. We appreciate your contributions!